04.05.2022 21:33 - bearbeitet 04.05.2022 21:34
Unfortunately every evening (especially during peak time) I am experiencing very slow internet. Although I understand the speed drops during peak time but drop is immense. This unfortunately also affects video calls(means my work as well) because of high ping as well. I upgraded my tariff from 250Mbit to 1Gbit even with the expense of prolonging contract but no avail, it still *piep*. I am attaching some speedtests (all done over CAT5e cable), I am hoping I can get some help from here.
Thank you in advance.
am 04.05.2022 21:56
One more test from bundesnetzagentur and previous test results which clearly show evening/night performance drops
am 05.05.2022 11:23
am 08.05.2022 22:32
am 10.05.2022 08:38
Hello ozzyman,
I would like to take a closer look at your connection. Please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address by private message. Then get back to me here in this post.
Best regards
am 10.05.2022 09:19
Hello Nancy, Thank you for your message. I've sent you a PM.
am 11.05.2022 10:43
Hello ozzyman,
Your message has arrived, thank you very much.
I still have a few questions:
- Are you sure that the malfunction occurs "only" in the evening hours?
- when did you notice the disturbance approximately the first time?
Best regards, Martin