am 18.10.2021 12:29
Problem : At random times of the day the modem decides to shut itself down. It comes back in 1-2 minutes, but as I'm working from home, at every connection drop I'm losing my connections, and it's causing me loads of problems during home office. The same problem was happening a year ago. It disappeared, but it came back like a month ago again.
When the connection drops I see new entries in the event log: FW.LANATTACK DROP, FW.WANATTACK DROP (see attachments). The modem turns off, the lights go red, and it turns back again.
The other problem is that sometimes my upload speed goes below 1-2 megabytes / sec. Also, at the time when I was writing this report my download speed dropped to 0 megabytes / sec.
Solutions I've tried :
- Removing the router from the network, and using only cable to connect to the modem
- Isolating all devices from the network except one at the time
- Turning off the modem, waiting for a couple of minutes before starting it again
Additional data:
- City: Trier, 54290
- I only have internet - "1000 Mbit / s CableMax"
- Free Vodafone modem - CGA4233DE
- I have a router which is connected to the modem, it's TP-Link Archer C80. The problem is present without using my router in between too, I don't think it's related.
Sorry for the english report. My German is not good enough yet to communicate with people, this is why I didn't call the hotline yet. Thank you for your help in advance!
At the time when I was writing this download speed went to 0
Signal values 1
Signal values 2
Event log when the problem is happening
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 27.10.2021 15:15
Hello jkiraly98,
please excuse that the answer comes only now.
Your connection is currently affected by a return path interferer, which leads to the impairments. The interfering signal itself could already be limited to a certain line, now the connected objects have to be checked.
I have created an order so that you will be informed about the completion.
Many greetings, Martin
am 18.10.2021 12:56
I can confirm those issues as well for 49076, Osnabrück. Same hardware, same logs and behaviour of modem/vodafone box.
--> Crashed completly today at 11:00 and 12:40 today. Very bad situation in homeoffice.
Can some moderator please check? Please answer 🙂
21.10.2021 07:44 - bearbeitet 21.10.2021 07:54
Hello jkiraly98,
welcome to the community 🙂
We will be happy to take a look at your connection and the problem with the interruptions and the temporary drop in the upstream. Please send us the customer number, name incl. address and date of birth of the contract holder via private message.
Write here briefly when the data has been sent. Currently it takes a few days until we are back in the post 😞
@sconic11, please open a post of your own.
Best regards Fred
am 21.10.2021 19:23
Dear ERFD,
I've send the PM.
Thanks in advance for the investigation!
Best regards,
am 27.10.2021 15:15
Hello jkiraly98,
please excuse that the answer comes only now.
Your connection is currently affected by a return path interferer, which leads to the impairments. The interfering signal itself could already be limited to a certain line, now the connected objects have to be checked.
I have created an order so that you will be informed about the completion.
Many greetings, Martin
am 27.10.2021 15:33
Hello Martin,
Keine problem! Danke für alles! 🙂
Best regards,
am 01.11.2021 13:36
Hello jkiraly98,
Is everything working again since the order was completed? Can the post then be closed or do you still want to test?
Many greetings
am 03.11.2021 10:29
Dear Jana!
The random connection drops are greatly reduced, but still happening sometimes (like once a day, or once every other day). My upload speed is still below 1Mbps most of the time.
Should I expect the problems to go away completly? What kind of upload speed would be ideal to valuate the problem as "solved"?
Best regards,
am 03.11.2021 14:28
Hi again.
Unfortunately today I started experiencing huge packet losses. I just can't continue to work from home with this quality of service. This connectivity problems literally ruining my life.
am 05.11.2021 14:57
Hello jkiraly98,
please make a Pingplottere measure so we can see where on the route the packetloss happens. Please use a direct ethernet connection and an Intervall of 2.5 seconds. Are all websites affected?
Kind regards,