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Hi everyone,
I really appreciate that the vodafone has replaced my router to a newer model after I reported the wifi issue of our old router (äte/Wifi-function-unstable-Can-I-replace-a-new-router/m-p/2...).
However, we have been suffering a new problem after we replaced the router. The network disconnects from the Internet a few times EVERYDAY. The disconnect takes a few minutes to half hour. The wifi is working but no connection to the Internet. This issue has been existing for more than one week. Can anyone give an explaination or solutuion? Thank you very much.
EDIT: @VincentH moved to right board
am 20.01.2022 11:29
Hi there,
The disconnection is happening again right now. The wifi is connected. However, there is no Internet connection. However, the led lights on the router is on and normal. Moreover, we also realized self-reboot of the router many times. Last evening, the self-reboot happens again. Can anyone give us a hand? Thank you.
am 21.01.2022 14:44
Hello Vincent,
dood that you are in touch. This only applies to devices that are connected via WLAN. What about the end devices that are connected via LAN? Have you already performed a factory reset?
Best regards
am 21.01.2022 15:05
Hi Tina,
The disconnection happens both to WLAN and LAN devices. Our smart TV is connected by lan cabel. It is clearly warning from the TV says that the Ethernet is disconnected.
Good point with the factory reset. I never did that after we recived this new rounter. I just started to use. Then I will do factory reset to see the impact. I will come back to you after the test. Thank you.
am 24.01.2022 16:53
Hi Tina,
I did the factory reset of the router during the weekend. The disconnection issue still exists. When it happens, the devices connected by LAN (TV and PC) and WIFI (smartphoneS, tabels) lose connection from the ethernet. It is happening several times everyday. It has large impact on our life and home-office. Please help us to solve the issue.
Best regards,
am 24.01.2022 19:43
Hello VincentH,
the router is online for only four hours, did you restart it or did it do that on it's own? Did you replace the cables when switching the router? Do the devices still have an IP address when they get disconnected?
Kind regards,
am 25.01.2022 10:52
Hi Claudia,
Thanks for the quick reply.
As I previously reported in this post (see my reply upper), we are also suffering frequent reboot of the router by itself. It happens once or twice per day at least. The reboot you discovered yesterday was also made by itself.
We only received this new router with its power adapter. The cabel for Internet connection is the previous one which was send to me with the previous router. The letter we received with the router told me to do so.
I am not very sure about the IP address. I can at least tell that the connections between the devices in my local network is also broken during the disconnection with the Ethernet. For example, my TV can not play the videos in the locally shared folder of my small server during the disconnection.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
am 27.01.2022 07:22
Hello VincentH,
in the last few days there has been an increased amount of signal interference in the return channel. Since yesterday, this interference signal is no longer present. Do the interruptions still occur? Then it is probably related to the modem itself. The modem has been updated on 31.12.21. Was a factory reset performed with the device afterwards?
Best regards Fred
am 27.01.2022 10:25
Hi Fred,
Thanks for the reply. I was inspired by the questions from your colleague Claudia in the former reply. I unpluged and repluged the cabel of the Internet connection on Tuesday evening. Indeed, the network connection was quite stable yesterday. Therefore, I guess the issues were caused by the weak connection of the cabel that was made during the replacement the router. If this is the reason, I apologize for bothering you here.
However, I will keep on eye on the Internet in the coming days. If the issues still remain, I will come back to this post for further help. If the network works well in the next week, I will also come back to end this post with the conclusion.
Best regards,
am 28.01.2022 21:17