"Ruckwegstörung" SINCE OCTOBER 2024


I am having a problem with my internet connection (BW Ludwigsburg Kreis) since October without any solution, reimbursement or forecast of solution.

I contacted vodafone via Whatsapp several times, they told me there is a "Ruckwegstörung" on my network and it is affecting my area. They were so far unable to provide a solution or even a date. 
They sent me a "Mobile 4G" router which is a joke: the internet is so slow not even one website opens. They said they would give me 500gb dataplan for 15 days (i am having problems for 4 months).

The problem is not the speed (speed is decent and acceptable), but the latency and packet loss. 
I cannot have 10 seconds of stable connetion: my latency goes from 30ms to 200ms every 3 seconds and it is IMPOSSIBLE to: work (video conference), play online games or even watch movies.

For the record: I only use a CABLE connection and I do not use WIFI. The high latency and interference started after 1 year and 6 months of contract and they have aknowledged the problem is NOT on my side.

I have tested the network on packetlosstest.com several times and you will find the results attached. The Speedtest tool from Vodafone is also a joke, it tells much better Data than reality and it does not measure Packet loss or Jitter.

I am seriously thinking of looking for a lawyer and file a lawsuit against this company.

How can I fix this fast and get my money back at the same time? this is unacceptable

1 Antwort 1

The easiest way to document your internet issues to get out of the contract is a tool called Breitbandmessung. I am not entirely sure if it comes in English yet- https://www.breitbandmessung.de/

You can essentially create a log over up to 14 days, where you need to measure your connection on 3 days with one day off in between. Each day then has to be speedtested 10 times, with at least 5 minutes of downtime between and 3 hours between the fifth and sixth measurement.


In the end you'll get a detailed log with all times and speeds you measured and can use this to complain to get them to cancel the contract for not being able to give you the speed you paid for.