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am 19.11.2024 13:56
I'm currently experiencing a lot of problems with my Kabel Connection. It's difficult for me to speak about this topic in German so I'm looking for some English help. (I understand that I should speak German, but honestly is not a easy language especially in technical topics).
Today my internet went totally down around 11am, for 30 minutes. I've tried restarting multiple times but nothing seemed to work. (Also plugging off, waiting for a minute and plugging back in.)
After talking in German with the support they proposed me to receive a WLAN Hotspot, but I don't understand how this could really help me.
Now internet is working strangely: some websites works (like Google based, social medias, and other Germany based websites), all the rest doesn't work (Speedtest.net, Vodafone.de, Discord, Teams for working).
Also some devices have less problems, others more: my working laptop has no internet at all, for example.
These kind of problems also happens during multiple times a day for short periods of time (I've noticed 12-14, 18-21, 22-00 mostly). During this periods I get 100% package loss every 15 seconds, for a couple of seconds. This is very annoying because it prevent me to do anything that requires a continuing connection (uploading, downloading, gaming, work calls and similar).
Another problem I'm having is regarding the Vodafone Station: When I'm in the web interface it says that I don't have any WiFi (no tab in the menu, no tab in the overview) and when I have it, it says 0 devices connected. When I try to port forwarding or doing any other machine related operation, I cannot get the MAC Address, and I have it to manually put it everytime.
I've tried to change cable, I've also got another modem in the past months, I've tried multiple devices and WiFi protocols, nothing fixes the problem. What can I do to resolve the issue?
I'm risking also to get very damaged like losing my remote job because of these issues, so this is my last stand to get things sorted.
Hoping that we could fix this,
Thanks a lot in advance
Best regards.
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am 19.11.2024 15:23
There is no more individual support here in the forum. Support in English is available via WhatsApp
The forum is now just a customer helping customer forum.
Best regards Kurt

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am 19.11.2024 15:35
Hi Kurtler,
Thanks for your answer, but this doesn't seem the case.
I'm contacting the WhatsApp number for months now, and everytime he links me to FAQ in German and ask me to restart the router. Rarely I get the "please wait" and no response after that. They asked me to receive an appointment for technical support at my place, but I read that I have to pay it the problem is not present, and due to the not continuous state, I cannot do that and risk to just waste money.
Any advice?