Trying to cancel since 2020

Hi! I have been trying to cancel my Vodafone contract since December 2020 and I have moved out of Germany but still, with presenting the official documents from the government that confirm my move-out date, your customer service is still saying I need to keep paying for it? I have a Kable contract and have been notifying you since December 2020 that I do not want to continue but keep being charged.


The latest email from Customer Service says that I need to post in the Forum to get this resolved. Can you help?

18 Antworten 18

If you move to an area that is not served or abroad, since December 1st, 2021 you have a special right of termination with a notice period of 1 month, previously the period was 3 months. In which federal state did you have the contract?

Hi! I live in Bayern and still they did not accept my cancellation, they are charging me the monthly fee, Anyone here from Vodafone that can help answer that?

Have a little patience until a VFD / ex-KDG mod can report here and request your data. This can currently take a few days.


Hi psmartins,


the first question would be, where was the notice sent to in December 2020? Did you send it by post or email? To which address?


Best regards


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Hi. I have sent it via post, email, registered post (with the internet modem), Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger - and posted some requests here in the Forum. Started in December 2020 but sent it several times to several paths to you during 2021. What else do you need from me? I left Germany end of October 2021 and you are still charging me for internet...


Hello psmartins,


have you notified us of your move via our moving service? You can find tips on how exactly it works in our thread Moving abroad - Leaving Germany.


Best regards


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Yet another new process I never heard of after several conversations with your customer support and contact center?  This is how you keep customers attached to Vodafone? By ignoring requests for cancellation and creating bogus processes that send people on an endless loop?


I have been notifying you since December 2020, in the summer I have notified you that I was out of service for 3 months (internet didn't work) and that I was moving out of Germany in November.


Can you please just honour my request that was done across multiple channels - including - to your CEO Hannes Ametsreiter? Can you do me the service of cancelling my account on the requested date as it is according to the law and honour the date I left Germany?


I didn't have any problem with any other company - t-mobile, electricity, landlord, car insurance - only with VODAFONE!



Hello psmartins,


this is the normal reporting channel. I am sorry that this was not communicated to them beforehand.


I will be happy to check the status of your termination. Please send me your customer number, name, date of birth and address by private message.


Then report back here in this thread.


Best regards


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My timeline: 


Vodafone Germany problems - FB communication, Email, Kontakt centre

9/4/19, 8:31 AM - Low speed of internet, opened a ticket technician as sent onsite with little resolution
9/10/19, 4:26 PM - low speed of internet, asked for technician which was sent and replaced modem
11/11/19, 11:16 AM - speeds low with replacement router, requested another visit from technician
11/27/19, 9:45 AM - Low speed (40Mbps) - asked for help and assistance
11/28/19, 6:21 AM - resolution was to change to a lower contract - which was never done, another technician was sent
12/2/19, 5:07 PM - more issues with internet reported - unstable speed and multiple disconnects
12/13/19, 8:32 AM - Connection drops, had to return modem at my own cost because Vodafone refused to provide a return label
12/16/19, 5:13 PM - still issues with the internet, no resolution - vodafone keeps sending technicians and modems, no improvement in the situation
12/18/19, 6:12 PM - more attempts to resolve the situation of the internet connection, still no solution
6/23/20, 8:52 AM - reported multiple incidents, asked for technician to come and check the installation of the building, was asked to pay for assistance
8/26/20, 12:34 PM - back from holidays, still issues with connectivity. Provided connection logs
8/27/20, 12:18 PM - Vodafone said that technician can only come to check and replace modem, does not test the lines
8/27/20, 4:20 PM - New router ordered
8/31/20, 2:10 PM - Price increase from Vodafone GMBH
9/25/20, 8:23 AM - Internet at extreme low speeds (15Mbps vs 1Gbps contracted)
9/30/20, 3:10 PM - Promotion ended, price went from 25 Euros to 69.99
12/1/20, 10:07 PM - Requested forms for cancelation of broadband, was directed to - inexistent page
12/1/20, 10:24 PM - requested again for information on cancelation, no reply so I sent a form that I found online through FB Messenger
12/3/20, 10:42 AM - was told by "Thomas" that I can no longer cancel my contract
9/21/21, 12:07 PM - 1 month without service, requested for immediate cancelation - no reply
9/21/21, 12:30 PM - requested again for cancelation and details to send back the modem. Vodafone answered "we cant cancel your contract, because you didnt try to take help from us or something like this,- we didnt see any ticket here or something similar."
9/21/21, 7:40 PM - requested again cancelation details, was sent to
10/6/21, 9:47 PM - another attempt to cancel contract due to NO internet - no reply (No Internet for 2 months, still paying)
10/7/21, 6:32 AM - Still trying to cancel Vodafone, was told by your support to request cancelation in - submitted form, no answer
10/7/21, 10:24 PM - sent again the form i found online to FB Messenger due to no other info or reply from kontakt
10/8/21, 7:58 AM - was asked for proof. Provided what i had supplied, got denied the contract cancellation still
10/13/21, 1:10 PM - was told termination could not be adjusted to the original date
10/13/21, 3:21 PM - was told "We did not receive any notice in December. On 07.10.21 the information about the move arrived at us and thus the contract is terminated from the day with a notice period of 3 months, This is also correct. "


Still paying but no longer live in Germany since 1st of November...!?!?!?