- zuletzt bearbeitet am
Dear Team,
I am a new customer, and I recently ordered a DSL plan of Vodafone Kabel Deutschland including a router.
I received a SMS from Vodafone asking me to activate the router in 5 days, but I didn't received it.
An email from DHL says my neighbor has the router since I was not home when it was delivered.
So I asked the neighbor DHL tole me but he told me that he did not receive my package.
So I think the router is lost. What should I do now?
Can I request a new router, or can I do anything else?
I would like to have my internet connection as soon as possible since currently there is no internet...
so I'd really appreciate it if your could help. Thank you.
Edit @minas moved to the right Board.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 17.02.2021 16:04
Hi minas,
it's not that simple. If then it would be an exchange router and that means the other one has to be sent back.
am 18.02.2021 12:56
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for your reply.
You mean that I cannot get an alternative (or temporal) router because the router is lost and it was not sent back to Vodafone?
By the way, I received the following email from DHL. Does it mean that it has to be the sender (Vodafone) and not me who should request the investigation to the DHL? If so, could you please do that?
Guten Tag,
vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht zur Sendung 689213988475.
Eventuelle Schadenersatzansprüche kann grundsätzlich nur der Versender als unser Vertragspartner geltend machen - es sei denn, uns liegt eine Abtretungserklärung vor. Bitte wenden Sie sich deshalb an den Versender.
Wenn Sie hierzu Fragen haben, dann melden Sie sich einfach – wir sind gerne für Sie da. Damit wir Ihr Anliegen schneller bearbeiten können, nennen Sie uns bitte die Anliegennummer 2102-07883408.
Beste Grüße
Ihr Kundenservice
Thank you for your help,
am 20.02.2021 16:52
Hi minas,
sorry about the mess. We'll send you out a new router.
am 21.02.2021 12:40
Dear Stephan,
Thank you. I'm waiting for the new router.
Best regards,
am 23.02.2021 17:30
I received a new router today. Thank you for your help.
But I have another problem now. There is no connection cable (Anschlusskabel) in the box of the router.
It is supposed to come with the router, right?
Best regards,
am 23.02.2021 21:47
Hi minas,
sorry for that. We'll send you a new cable.
am 24.02.2021 11:16
Dear Stephan,
Thank you. I really hope it arrives soon.
Best regards,
am 25.02.2021 15:30
Dear Stephan,
Today I received the cable, and it worked out, I finally got the internet in my apartment.
Thank you for your prompt action!
Best regards,
am 01.03.2021 14:26
Hi minas,
do you have any questions or can the thread be closed?
01.04.2022 12:08 - bearbeitet 01.04.2022 12:15
Dear Team,
I am a new customer, and I recently ordered a DSL plan of Vodafone Kabel since one month and till now i didn't get internet and router
I would like to have my internet connection as soon as possible since currently there is no internet...
so I'd really appreciate it if your could help. Thank you.