




Contract termination due to relocation without consent by customer


I am moving to Hamburg and currently I don't know my residence and I would be accommodated by my company temporarily for 2 months starting from Jan 1, 2024 till the end of February. I informed the same to the customer service on phone and was calling to explore the options, rather they canceled my contract and issued me the letter of termination with end date of Jan 2025 which entitles me to pay beforehand till end of Jan 2025. I would have liked to continue this contract and transfer once I know my new residence. I think this all happened due to the misunderstanding and customer service doesn't understand English very well. 


Could the experts here help me please? I would like to know if its still possible to request relocation and I don't have problems to pay until I don't find the new residence and once I know the new residence I want to simply relocate my internet connection. 

What I don't want to do is end up paying until the end of Jan 2025 ( contractual obligation ). Instead, relocation when I know the new address. How can I overturn the contract termination issued by Vodafone?

1 Antwort 1

If you wanted the contract to continue, you should not have reported your relocation before knowing where exactly you will live. When reporting a move, VF checks if your contract is available at the new location, and if not the contract will get terminated. 

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