am 03.01.2022 16:47
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I want to complain about forced purchases, illegal withdrawals from my bank account, and contracts your company has placed on me.
In July 2021, in my studio where I have an internet cable from your company, I was having problems with the internet, so I called technical support. At the end of the conversation, the operator suggested I try a new device and as far as I understood it was about a new router. However, I received a television in the mail. The room in question is a working studio and television is absolutely unacceptable there. I immediately returned the device thinking it was a bug. I forgot about this situation until October when I discovered that your company had started billing GigaTV from my account. I called support and described the situation, the operator told me that I've had a contract for television since July and that the first three months were free, so I didn't notice. I said it must be a mistake and the operator said the contract would be canceled and the money would be refunded. However, this did not happen and in November I was billed again for television. I called support again, but this time I was told that the contract could not be canceled until 2023 and that I only had two weeks to cancel this contract in July. I have never received this contract and cannot see it in the documents I received, in the mail or in my online account. The contract was only sent to me when I called with complaints. I have never signed a contract for this television and find it illegal to charge a fee for a service that I have not ordered, I do not even have a device and a television for it, and I do not need this service at my work place. I ask you very much to cancel this contract and give me my money back - from October until today 9.99 euros per month = 29.97 euros.
I already had the same problem when connecting to the Internet, I ordered a contract for the installation of the Internet for 19.99 with free installation. Then I discovered that the company had charged me an additional 77.85 euros in the first month, which no one had informed me about. When I tried to find out why the money was withdrawn, the operator claimed that they had sent me a contract with the amount for the connection. I have not received a contract. It was only sent to me after I had a complaint.
I later learned that the Vodafone security package was imposed on me from July 2021, for which I paid 3.99 euros a month without my knowledge. Where did this contract come from? I've never ordered that before. I didn't discover this until December when I started sorting through all of your company's invoices. From July to December I tacitly paid 3.99 * 6 = 23.94.
These types of making money are scams and must be stopped.
And all of this on top of the fact that the Internet works catastrophically poorly - regular outages and a bad signal. Your internet portal is also constantly showing errors when viewing invoices. The support hotline is rude and unwilling to help.
I sincerely ask you to cancel all services imposed on me and to give me my money back.
Thank you.
am 05.01.2022 12:12
Hello Ekaterina1,
I will be happy to look at the facts of the case. Please send me a PN with your data (name, customer number, address and date of birth).
Then please contact me again here in the post.
Best Regards