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Issues with Contract Visibility and First Bill Payment


Hi everyone,

I have two questions and would appreciate your help:

  1. Contract Not Showing in My Account:
    I recently added my contract to my Vodafone account, but now I can't find it. Whenever I try to re-add it, I get an error message asking me to try again later. Is this a known issue with the Vodafone website? or is it a temporary issue? 

  2. First Bill Payment Issue:
    Unfortunately, when I set up my account, I initially provided the wrong IBAN. I quickly corrected the IBAN in my Vodafone account and emailed the Rechnung department to update it. However, my first bill was still issued with the incorrect IBAN. I've emailed Vodafone again about this but haven't received a response yet.

    Could someone guide me on how to directly pay this bill? Specifically:

    • Which Vodafone account should I transfer the payment to?
    • What reference number should I use to ensure it's correctly allocated?

Thanks in advance for your support!

1 Antwort 1

Hello Masoumeh,


Our customer support team will be happy to help you.

Please contact us via our WhatsApp chat on 0172 1217212.


Best regards

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