Unable to add my contract + blocked account
I have just bought a Giga Cube and I was informed that my bill is issued and I can see the bill online. To do this I need to add contracts to My Vodafone on website. I tried that once with the password which was given to me while I was signing my contract, and I was able to add my contract at that time, and the system asked me to change my password so I did that and chose a personal password. So far so good. However, now when I log in to the website to see my bill again, the added contract was disappeared surprisingly, and when I want to add the contract again, system keeps warning that I typed my password wrong! I used both the original one which was given to me and the one later I chose, none of them works, and now for security reasons my account is blocked. 
I have tried to log in after 24 hrs and also from a different browser but none works!
Any idea on how to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance!
1 Antwort 1

Hi fueffekt,


Thanks for joining the Vodafone Community - welcome Smiley (fröhlich)


After 24 hours, your account to MeinVodafone will automatically be unbarred. Please try to delete the cookies and obsolete files from your browser's cache.


If this doesn't help and you still have an issue with logging on to your MeinVodafone account, I'll gladly help. Just send me a private message clicking here .


Best regards,


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