am 19.06.2020 19:11
I have an issue with my techincolor cable modem.
After restarting earlier today, the mode, reboots but will not assign any IP addresses. Upon reboot, both my phone and internet lights look good - they are solid white. The laptop is plugged into the modem directly via ethernet cable.
Everything worked great for months. I was operating with bridge mode on and using my own wifi router.
In troubleshooting this today, I even tried switching bridge mode OFF - this didn't help the problem.
I've tried resetting the modem, rebooting, etc, nothing seems to work.
Please advise and thanks in advance.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 24.06.2020 16:44
To follow up - there was some problem with the modem. A new modem ended up fixing this.
Thanks again, @Manu , for all of your time and help.
am 20.06.2020 16:59
Hi jmays5150,
I like to take a good look at the connection. Please send me your name, address, date of birth and customer number in a PM?
Please report back here when the message is sent.
Best Regards, Manu
am 20.06.2020 18:50
Thanks a lot, @Manu . PMed you with the information you requested.
am 22.06.2020 09:01
Hi jmays5150,
thanks for the data. Bridgemode is activated at your router, so it will work as a modem. WiFi is thus switched off and only LAN 1 is active.
Have you connected your own router to LAN 1?
Best Regards, Manu
am 22.06.2020 09:15
Yes, I've got my router connected - it's an ASUS router and it says "Your ISP's DHCP does not work properly". When I connect my laptop directly to the port, it ends up with a self-assigned IP. As such, I cannot access the admin page or anything. It definitely seems like there's a problem obtaining an IP address from Vodafone DHCP.
am 22.06.2020 09:31
Also, to clarify - the router is connected to LAN 1. It was working perfectly up until Friday afternoon.
am 22.06.2020 11:44
Hi jmays5150,
thanks for the explanation. I am surprised that it didn't work from one day to the next. I suggest a factory reset on the router. To do this, please press the Reset button on the back of the router with a sharp object (paper clip or similar) for at least 15 seconds.
After that, all configurations will be back in the delivery state. Also the bridge mode is then switched off.
Please let me know again.
Best Regards, Manu
am 22.06.2020 12:00
Thanks. I tried that and it's still not working. Maybe there's something wrong with the modem?
We have a technician coming on Wednesday. Thanks for your help, if there's anything else we can try in the meantime please let us know.
am 22.06.2020 13:47
Yes, I've already seen that a technician has been commissioned.
In the meantime, I'm afraid there's nothing more we can try. I'm sorry, then we'll wait and see what our colleague finds out.
Best Regards, Manu
am 24.06.2020 16:44
To follow up - there was some problem with the modem. A new modem ended up fixing this.
Thanks again, @Manu , for all of your time and help.