- zuletzt bearbeitet am
I have an internet connection for 1.5 years. I was supposed to get 100 Mbps. I am not even getting 5 Mbps most of the times and also I see the connection gets disconnected frequently (its big problem when you download some file and due to disconnection it has to start again).
I complained about it many times but there was no use. Every time when I complain about my internet speed you people made it even more worse for me like changing the meinkabel to DSL and again DSL to meinkabel but there was no result.
I was given many appointments. Which were canceled from vodafone people at the last moment.
Normally If there was an appointment and customers were not there in the house you people charge around 50 euros. Does it not apply to you people, cancelling the appointments at last moment.
I immediately want a solution either you fix the speed or please cancel the contract immediately.
Edit: @Dinesh moved in to the right board.
am 02.10.2019 09:01
Hi Dinesh,
the tech noted that you're turning to your property manager. The corresponding junction sockets are not available, and the landlord must appoint an electrician to look for the cables and sockets in the house.
Please ask there so that the electrical wiring in the house can be clarified.
Best Regards, Manu
am 17.10.2019 01:21
Hallo Useless,
The technician came 5 times now and I showed the house each and every corner and still, he is saying some stories.
It's enough now, I wasted almost 100+ hours on complaining about the connection, 100s of emails and calls. I had to keep many leaves to the office to just cater to the Vodafone technician. Which is of no use.
Just cancel my contract immediately. I already sent the termination contract few days back. Update me the cancellation confirmation.
am 17.10.2019 13:22
Hi Dinesh,
the last technician was with you just before I wrote the last one. So in September. Nothing has happened since then. You and your property manager didn't clarify the house network.
I understand that you are dissatisfied, but how are we supposed to fix something if we don't know the wiring?
Best Regards, Manu
29.11.2019 23:22 - bearbeitet 29.11.2019 23:23
I posted a legal termination letter 2 months ago due to your useless service. I just want to confirm if my contract is canceled successfully. However, I also not getting the internet from 2 months. Please confirm,
You money suckers, sends many Rechnungs for payment overdue. But dont even bother to respond to customer letters. Waste people
Update me about my cancellation of contract. Always I have to beg for information
am 30.11.2019 11:23
Hi Dinesh,
what a nice greeting.
Are you sure you want to continue at this level? Certainly not me!
That's why I'm officially warning you. If you misbehave again, we will exclude you from the community.
am 30.11.2019 15:12
Hallo Mr Stephan,
Good afternoon. Hope you are doing well. Have a nice day. Please please spare few mins to read my problem regarding connection and solve my problem.
I sent an an OFFICIAL letter to vodafone regarding termination of contract 2 months ago. I am waiting for response from 2 months. Can you please please give me an OFFICIAL answer as soon as possible.
And I send you around 50+ Official emails regarding my problem with the internet. There was no helpful or official response. So please suggest to me what options I have I officially.
I am pleading you officially. Please, Please help me to fix my internet connection or terminate the connection officially. Please..
Even in your last response, there was no solution to my problem. You simply ignored my concern and talking about something. Thanks a lot
am 30.11.2019 20:54
Last technician didn't have enough patience to find the wiring. He just saw for 3-5 mins and left the house. Later I talked to property management and asked for witing it was in my home only.
You have to send another technician. But I have no hope in technicians, as already 2-3 came but it didnt work. So i sent termination letter 2 months back. But i havent get the response till date.
You also dont provide me other alternatives also. You didnt give us any voucher or amount reduction or at our home we also scan see vodafone homespot or hotspot. Either you provide immediate solution or cancel the contract
am 01.12.2019 10:56
Hi dinesh,
I don't even care what you're trying to put forward as a pretext for your bad behaviour. This behaviour is and remains unacceptable.
In the meantime we could not even hire a technician any more due to the open receivables. Also, you have not yet managed to clarify the house wiring via the property management, like we asked for.
The cancellation of your contract is handled. You'll get the confirmation soon.
01.12.2019 19:00 - bearbeitet 01.12.2019 19:02
Hi Mr. Stephan,
Thanks a lot for all the care you showed till date.
I got the mail. But did not understand it completely. I assume the contract gets canceled immediately? but there were different dates in the letter.
So please confirm if the contract gets terminates immediately or when it will get terminated.
am 02.12.2019 20:19
Hi Dinesh,
the contract is not terminated immediately, but at the end of the respective term. This is 09.01.2021 for Internet & Telephone and 27.02.2020 for Television.
Best regards