Bills after cancellation



Because I moved out of Germany, I wanted to cancel my Mobilfunk contract on 04.02.2018.

I have gotten my confirmation (Kündigungbetstaetigung) on 05.02.2018 saying that my contract will be ended on 06.05.2018 due to notice period of 3 months. The last bill was on 21.05.2018 with amount of 213,45€. I have paid this amount via an international bank transfer. After cancellation date of contract, on 27.06.2018, a new bill has been sent to me. Of course I did not pay this amount because it is illegal to send invoices after ending the contract. Now Vodafone says they have sent my information to debt collection agency (Inkassobüro). 


Please cancel all bills issued after 05.02.2018. I will apply to related German authorities to solve this issue if you would not help me.


I want this issue to be immediately solved.



13 Antworten 13

Even if your not aware of it, your "Kündigungsbestätigung" clearly says "Kabel-Produkte". Your mobile contracts are not listed there. But let´s wait if @Boris has any suggestion how to proceed in this matter.


Hello mahmutguleryuz,


I will look into the matter of cancelling your mobile services subscription if you send me a message.


As for your Kabel issue, you already have all the info, it seems.


If you have any further questions regarding the Kabel contract, please address it in the Kabel board .




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Hello MichaM,


I would be greatful if you could have a look cancelling my mobile contract.


Thank you.


Hello mahmutguleryuz,


we can settle this, if you send me a private message.


Please include a phone number for verifying your account ownership during a short call.


Looking forward to reading from you. Smiley (fröhlich)




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