Vodafone Internet Contract


Could you please help me with the following question?

My Wi-Fi contract is valid from 18.03.2022-17.03.2024

Is there anythig required from my side to continue using Internet after 17.03.2024?

And what is the cancellation policy after 17.03.2024?


Thank you!


3 Antworten 3

No, you do not need to do anything, the contract will go on if you do not cancel it before the 17th of March. The duration period of the contract only means that within this time you do not have the option to cancel. The only thing you can do in this period is, if I am not mistaken, to switch to another Vodafone product (e.g. to upgrade to faster internet or to a better router).


After the 17th of March you are still a customer with the same contract and monthly fees. You are then able to cancel within a month (will say: If you cancel on the 18th of March, the contract will go on until the 17th of April - after that you can switch to another provider, but also have to send back everything Vodafone provided like e.g. a rented router or so). This information is also given somewhere in the footnote of your monthly bill, I think, but sadly only in German.


You don't have to do anything, but you have the choice to now cancel or switch/upgrade on a monthly basis.

Do you use DSL, Cable or Fiber?

If you choose to extend your contract for another 2 years, they will likely give you a new router and some type of a Bonus, whether you do it via Hotline or in a Shop.

that's correct. But bear in mind if you change anything e.g. decide for an upgrade of your Download or to get a Fritz Box, your contract will extend to another 2 years you do not have an option to cancel. Any change on your contract or status means "new contract" with them. I think only exception is if you get a replacement device when your old router is broken or when Vodafone themselves upgrade your contract as e.g. your old subscription is not possible anymore.