am 10.03.2019 12:12
hello, I have a contract for 2 years since January 2018 with Internet and Landline and would like to cancel it because i had to leave the country and where I am (Brazil) there's no Vodafone. I would like to know how to proceed with it.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you very much
am 12.03.2019 08:56
Hi Ernando0102,
you've come to the right place. In this case we can terminate the contract with a period of 3 months starting from the day of the move. Please send me your customer number, name and address in a private message.
Then reply again here in the post.
am 13.03.2019 01:03
Hi Thomas, i sent already a private message with my date.
Thanks again
Ernando Santos
am 13.03.2019 12:52
Hi Ernando0102,
you just informed us about the move. The period of 3 months therefore begins only now. We have processed the cancellation and you will receive the confirmation by e-mail.
am 13.03.2019 13:51
Hello Thomas!
Thank you very much, now i ll be waiting for the confirmation by e-mail.
One last question. This confirmation by e-mail will also come in between the 3 months or should it be coming soon?
am 14.03.2019 09:02
Hi Ernando0102,
the confirmation is already sent.