am 28.08.2018 13:30 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 05.09.2018 19:19 von Jens-K
I tried to reach the customer care regarding the same subject above, unfortunately I could not find help in English.
could any of moderators help me in this regards!, thanks.
waiting for an repsonse!
Edit: Moved from Mobilfunk to DSL
Edit 2: The customer number that you have sent to me belongs to a cable connection. I moved your thread to the corresponding board.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 11.09.2018 14:34
Hi satish_a,
since we cannot accept any cancellations here in the forum, you have to use the contact form. Please type in "Kündigung" and follow the instructions.
28.08.2018 18:00 - bearbeitet 28.08.2018 18:10
Hi Satish,
Welcome to the Vodafone Community
Your request is about downgrading your mobile price plan, right?
Downgrading is possible 22 months after you started the current price plan.
The easiest way to do it is via your self service account MeinVodafone .
Here's how you do it:
* 1st, go to MeinVodafone on the Vodafone main site and
* then, click on MeinVodafone,
* enter User name ("Benutzername") and Internet Password
* Select "Ihr Tarif" (Your price plan)
* Select "Tarif ändern" (change price plan).
Haven't got either user name or Internet password?
Just click on MeinVodafone to register free of charge.
For registering, you will need your phone number and customer password.
Hope this helps.
am 29.08.2018 09:51
thanks for response.
Actually I put a request for Vodafone on plan change and they asked me to call some customer number to have a personal offer. Because of my bad German I did not yet call.
However, I go in to Meinvodafone and logged in. but I do not have my online registration nummer for my contract.
Could you help me in getting it?
29.08.2018 19:58 - bearbeitet 29.08.2018 20:05
Hi Satish,
"I do not have my online registration nummer for my contract"
You do not need an online registration number.
The 2 items you need for adding the contract are your mobile phone number and customer password.
Below, you'll find the 3 steps you need to take to add your mobile phone contract to MeinVodafone:
1st, select "Vertrag hinzufügen" (add contract):
2nd, select "Mobilfunk" for adding your mobile phone contract:
Finally, enter your customer account or phone number and your customer password or "Kundenkennwort":
That's all.
am 03.09.2018 11:53
First of all, a correction from my side please, the question is on DSL internet contract not on phone contract.
Anyhow as you mentioned I logged in to My vodafone and added my contract.
Now I am able to see all options including 'Change tarif'. thanks for that.
However the problem is, there is possibility to change to an higher contract only but I want to degrade my contract to an less expensive one.
Please help me, thanks.
am 04.09.2018 16:36
Hi satish_a,
changing to a lower tariff is possible after 24 months.
When did your contract start?
am 04.09.2018 17:10
My contract started at 14.06.2016, I even checked at profile in 'My Vodafone'.
am 05.09.2018 14:34
Hi satish_a,
you can send me a private message by clicking my avatar -> Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden.
Please send me your name, customer number and customer password.
Also I need to know which tariff you want to change to.
am 05.09.2018 15:31
Hello Jens-K,
I just sent you a private message as requested, please let me know, thanks.
am 06.09.2018 11:53
Hi satish_a
since we have now found out that this is a cable contract, I will continue here at this point.
At the moment you have a contract for internet & phone with 100 MBit/s for 34,99 Euro per month. You can cange this contract to internet & phone with 32 MBit/s for 29,99 Euro per month or internet only with 25 MBit/s for 24,99 Euro per month.
For each of these tariff changes we charge 19.99 Euro once and the duration of the contract restarts.