Router is restarting almost every hour since a week ago

Dear Vodafone support,

First of all apoligies as I'm not a native German speaker, this is mostly. the reason I'm reporting my issue through this channel, as the whatsapp support redirect me to this forum.


My cable router (CGA4233DE) is getting restarted almost every hour since a week ago. I tried to rebooted several times, soft and hard reboots, but the issue remains.


As we are working from home, there is no chance to have proper online meetings anymore.

Checking the logs, I'm getting this message after every reboot:


10/13/202105:42:18[88000102]: Device disconnected CE:78:79:00:00:00 REASON-CODE=8.Wi-Fi
10/13/202105:42:18[88000102]: Device disconnected FE:6E:C6:00:00:00 REASON-CODE=8.Wi-Fi
10/13/202105:42:18[88000205]: Interface Reset ,Link is Up.-- 


I could share the contract number, etc via private message.



3 Antworten 3

Hi carlosmr,


welcome to our community. Please answer all the points in this post.




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Hi @Wallace,

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't get the notification on my side.


Here you have the details:


Disturbance of cable internet services


  • In which state do you live? 81927
  • Which contract do you have? internet + telephone
  • Which modem / router do you use? Vodafone Station inkl. WLAN
  • Do you use a loaner device from us or do you have your own device ? loaner device
  • What is the error ? Router is restarting every 2 or 3 hours always with the same error:

10/13/202105:42:18[88000102]: Device disconnected CE:78:79:00:00:00 REASON-CODE=8.Wi-Fi
10/13/202105:42:18[88000102]: Device disconnected FE:6E:C6:00:00:00 REASON-CODE=8.Wi-Fi
10/13/202105:42:18[88000205]: Interface Reset ,Link is Up.--


  • How is your terminal with the modem connected ? WLAN
  • Which browser do you usually use? Chrome and Safari
  • Which operating system do you have on your computer? iOS & android
  • Start and period of the disturbance : October 4th
  • Upload a screenshot of the signal values . You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via or via on the Fritzbox.The signal is ok, the issue is just in the router that is restarting on a regular basis
  • Which measures were carried out by the fault hotline (available at 0800-5266625 for Vodafone Kabel Deutschland or 0221/46619100 for Vodafone West)?Nothing, I asked for a router replacement, but they just promise me to send me some additional instructions to my email address, but I never received anything at all.

I'm working on IT, so every work around such as restarting the router, plugin the cables one by one again, etc...has been already tested.



Hello carlosmr,


thank you for the information. Did you use a different coaxial cable to eliminate this as a possible source of the problem? If that doesn't help, I would like to check you connection. Use the private message function to send me your customer number, the birth date of the contract owner, the name and full address. Reply here again after you sent the PM.


Kind regards


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