am 29.10.2021 19:28
Good afternoon,
Sorry, currently I do not speak german and can only communicate in english. This week I purchased the 1.000Mbps Vodafone Kabel-Router but is not working. I tried to reset it, to connect to different slots but it does not work, the Internet red light keeps flashing.
I tried to talk with customer service but I do not speak german and they do not speak english, and the outcome was chaotic.
Can you please send a technician so that he helps me install the router? I need this as soon as possible because I work from home and I require the Internet connection.
am 03.11.2021 09:04
Hi Marc,
Hi Marc,
welcome to our community.
I would be happy to take a look at your connection. Send me your customer data (name, address, customer number, birthday, current phone number) in a private message and then let me know here that you have sent the data.
VG Wallace