Internet LED blinks red [No internet connection]

My router internet LED starts blinking red since yesterday & I couldn't connect to the internet . At the beginning it blinks red slowly at 1 blink/sec. After about 1 mins it turns to 2 red blinks/sec. I tried restart / reset / replug cables but it didn't solve the problem. I called the hotline but I can't even get through the voice machine because I can't speak German. Can someone help me with the internet? Many many Thanks!!!!!


  • State:  35039 Marburg
  • Contract: Red Internet & phone 100
  • Router:  TG3442DE, rental
  • Errors:
    • Internet LED flashing red; can't connect to the internet. (Phone LED is also off as a result)
    • DOCSIS Offline
    • Power & Wifi LED are normal (constant white)
  • Device connection:  LAN
  • Start  and  period  of the disruption: Since 20.07.22 16:00
  • What did the test with the network assistant and the chat bot TOBi reveal ? Call hotline but doesn't work for me


1 Antwort 1

Hi Keei,

Sorry to keep you waiting. Unfortunately, we need a little longer to reply at the moment. Verlegener Smiley

What is your current situation? Is your connection working without any problems again? If not, please use our Netz-Assistenten . It will show you all known faults. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can report your problem directly to us via the link.

Kind regards

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