29.05.2022 17:30 - bearbeitet 29.05.2022 17:31
Dear Vodafone team
I have had serious stability issues with my connection since I got it, and it has recently gotten worse to the point where I cannot play online games without being disconnected periodically.
The connection has serious ping spikes (up to 700 ms) every couple of minutes and the connection sometimes goes offline for upwards to 15 seconds.
In addition, I have regular packet loss up to 2% and of course jitter.
I have tried reaching out by phone but my German is not at a level where I can talk about technical computer topics yet and have not found any other way of reaching out.
This connection is almost unusable as it is very unstable, I need help from Vodafone to fix it.
Connection: Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable
Router: Vodafone Wi-Fi 6 Station
Bundesland: Bayern
PLZ: 81369
Cable/WiFi: Ethernet Cable
I have tried:
- Restarting the router
- Checking connection of all cables
- Replacing cables
am 29.05.2022 18:04
Internet disconnecting, very high ping spikes (up to 700 ms), packet loss, jitter.
I have reached out, but my German is not at a level where i can discuss these technical topics well enough so was not able to get help.
am 30.05.2022 09:44
Hi Skjold89,
that really does not sound very good. But we will help you.
Have you experienced that this is only on special times? For instance in the evenings? Or is it during the hole day as bad as you mentioned?
Best regards, Manu
am 30.05.2022 09:54
This happens at all times of the day.
I'd had full connection drops occur early morning, mid-day, afternoon, late night (after 3 AM) etc.
I have very high ping spikes multiple times an hour on average as well
am 30.05.2022 11:02
Ok, so I will take a closer look. Please send me your name, address, date of birth and customer number in a private message .
Sign in here again, when message is sent.
Thank you, Manu
am 31.05.2022 00:40
Thanks Manu,
PM sent with the required info.
am 31.05.2022 12:52
Hello and thanks for the message. I have checked your connection, there is nothing, that can cause these issues. No overload, no errors at the signal, signal quality is fine.
You have these issues from the beginning of your contract?
Best Regards, Manu