No Internet Connection

I have got a new DSL Wifi connection on 15-02-2024 and got an activation appointment on 04-03-2024. At 10:15Am Telekom partner came to my apartment and line setup was done successfully. I got an information from him like I need to setup my router on my own and connect to internet. I tried to setup my router and after that observed like No Internet connection was throwing an error. Sadly my German skills aren't very good and I cannot get through to speak to an operator, I need a technician to come and have a look. Can someone please get back to me and help me here, please

Can you please have a look and resolve the issue asap. 

1 Antwort 1

Hello @Kumar_DSL,


our WhatsApp Service offers help in English and can have a look into your customer account. Please contact my colleagues via these Contact channels.


BR J0hann 


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