




CallYa Billing Issue - Double Charges Same Account



I first signed up with Vodafone last month with the CallYa Allnet Flat M plan with 6GB of data (15 euros/month). I then saw the option to sign up for the CallYa Digital plan with 15GB of data (20 euros/month), so I decided to switch. To sign up for the CallYa Digital plan I had to use the "Tarifwechselformular". I received confirmation that my plan had changed but then today there was a direct debit for 15 euros and a separate one for 20 euros from my bank. I do not understand how this is possible since in Mein Vodafone it says my chosen tarrif is the CallYa Digital with 15GB of data. I also topped up my account so there is a balance sitting in Mein Vodafone that I thought they would have taken from first. I only speak English so I could really use some help on this!


Thank you,


5 Antworten 5

Hi @Brendan,


As I understand you right your tariff changed from CallYa Allnet Flat M to CallYa Digital today? 


Did you also have the Komfortaufladung active for CallYa Allnet Flat M?

The debit of 15,00 Euro isn't shown you as a credit in Meinvodafone app?


By the way my tariff (Allnet Flat S) is going to change into CallYa Digital on Saturday too. I will watch this process. 

I received this message on November 29:

"Dein Wechsel von CallYa Allnet Flat M in den Tarif CallYa Digital war erfolgreich. Dein Tarif ist ab dem 15.12.2022 aktiv. Freundliche Grüße, Dein Vodafone-Team"


And was charged a direct debit for my previous plan and the new one on December 20th.


I didn't sign up for direct debit for the Flat M plan but had to in order to sign up for CallYa Digital. I don't have any credits from Vodafone but I have credit in my account as I topped it up manually before I was charged from my bank.


You topped up with 15,00 Euro and then had been charged with 20,00 Euro for the Digital?


Maybe you should get in contact with Vodafone directly. Use the social media channels (Twitter and/or Facebook). 

Contact Channels


I topped up €30 in Mein Vodafone. They didn't take any money from that but charged me €15 and €20 direct debit from my bank.


I reached out to their socials but haven't heard anything back yet. Thanks for trying to help!


Hello Brendan,

with the digital tariff, €20 will be automatically deducted from your bank account. Could it be that you have additionally charged manually?

It is not possible for 2 tariffs to be active.

That really needs to be looked at by a customer service representative.

Please get in touch with us via one of the following channels:

FB Service page at www.facebook.com/vodafoneDEservice

TW Service page at vod.af/vfservice

WhatsApp chat on 0172 2000 229

I hope you have been helped in the meantime.

Many greetings,


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