Hello, first of all sorry for english.
I was at your store last week to check for GigaMobile Young M option with iPhone 14 and to link it with already existing landine contract + transfering prepaid Vodafone number to postpaid (GigaMobile Young M).
Your colleague said everything is possible I just needed proof of residence not older than 3 months for the phone.
Today I went again in the shop and I faced with some, "changes" 🙂 ..
First of all they told me it's not possible to transfer prepaid number to postpaid without some security code, which seller didn't tell me one year ago and there's no posibility to retrieve that code - how can that be my problem? I have receipt and original package for that prepaid number so I have everything what was given to me.
Second, I said I want to link landline contract with that new mobile contract and if I'm not wrong I should get discount for about 10€ per month? - Atleast that kind of caluclation I get on vodafone webpage.
In the contract I don't see anywhere option combined with internet and landline contract ?
And last thing, seller told me he will give me a bonus insurance for the phone, on my question for how long, since contract is 2 years, he told me "for the full period of contract, of course, 2 years". - On my contract it's saying first month of insurance free , after first month 9.99 € monthly. - Really? 🙂
I don't know if seller was confused or he had something else in his mind... I definetly don't want to use this contract for this price and I would like to cancel it and make new one.
Let me know who should I contact or if someone can contact me so we can fix this.
I can send you contracts numbers in private message.
Thank you in advance for you help.