frage zu sonder kuendigung

Hi, (my German is not good, so please also see English version below if the meaning is not clear)


Ich habe eine Frage zur Kündigung des Vertrags von Vodafone Kabel internet Red Cable 250.

Seit August 2018 habe ich den gleichen Service kürzlich in Anspruch genommen (d.h. ich habe diesen Service bereits über den Mindestzeitraum genutzt).

Ich habe festgestellt, dass ich laut meinen Vertragsinformationen von meiner Vodafone-Seite den Vertrag bis zum 15.12.2021 kündigen kann, wenn ich die Kündigung heute rufe.

Bedeutet das, dass ich nicht auf die dreimonatige Kündigungsfrist angewendet werden muss?

Heißt das, dass ich den Vertrag nächsten Monat sofort kündigen kann?


Da ich unter der schlechten Internetverbindung und dem fehlenden technischen Service von Vodafone gelitten habe, möchte ich diesen Vertrag schnell kündigen.

Sollte ich die 3-Monats-Zahlungsregel befolgen, wenn ich weiterhin keinen ordnungsgemäßen Internetdienst bereitstellen kann, obwohl ich während des Zeitraums das Internet nicht nutzen kann?


Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort im Voraus!



I have a question about the termination of the contract of Vodafone Kabel internet Red Cable 250.

Since August of 2018, I have used the same service recently (that means I have already used this service over the minimum period).
I found that according to my contract information from my Vodafone page, I can terminate the contract till Dec 15th, 2021 if I call the termination today.
Does it mean that I don't need to be applied to the three-month rule of notice? Does it mean that I can immediately terminate the contract next month?

As I have suffered from the poor internet connection and failure to get proper technical service from Vodafone, I want to quickly terminate this contract.
In case if they keep failing to provide proper internet service, should I follow the 3-month rule of payment even though I cannot use the internet during the period?

Thank you very much for your answer in advance!


1 Antwort 1

There are changes in the German laws becoming active on December 1st that allow customers to cancel contracts with a one month notification period after the minimum term has passed.


So if your initial term started in 2018 and you have not changed anything on your contract -which would result in a restart of the minimum term- then you are out the minimum term and thus the afforementioned change in the law would apply to your contract effective from December 1st.


Thus if you'd send your cancellation on or after December 1st, it'll become effective one month after your cancellation is received by Vodafone. You cannot do this right now as this change in law isn't effecitve right now - but the homepage already shows this change as if it would be already effective.


Side Note: This change only effects on Internet & Telephone contracts from December 1st on, TV contracts are not included.