am 17.01.2023 09:44
Good Morning. My German is bad, hence I am writing in English.
We have CableMax 1000Mbits/sec cable connection that I have already opted for cancellation.
I called 0800 6647401 as Vodafone asked me call this number for a better offer. I called this number but unfortunately the customer care agent can't help me in English.
Could you let me know if a better offer can be given against my current contract?
Rutuja Deshkar
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 19.01.2023 20:49
This is a customer-to-customer forum, nobody here can give you any individual support or trigger something. You need to use the official support channels, for english support try Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp:
am 17.01.2023 11:58
the cablemaxx 1000 is stil the best choice !
(not available any longer right now)
but provider has 2 inform customer one time per year about the "best-tariff-advice!"
so that's the reason u got such a mail / letter
am 19.01.2023 13:29
thanks, though promised I haven't received such a email for about a year yet.
Could you please trigger the "better offer email" from Vodafone' side.
am 19.01.2023 20:49
This is a customer-to-customer forum, nobody here can give you any individual support or trigger something. You need to use the official support channels, for english support try Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp:
am 28.01.2023 16:55
Da der TE sich nicht mehr gemeldet hat, schließ ich hier jetzt ab. Wenn wieder mal Fragen oder Anliegen auftauchen, eröffne einfach einen neuen Beitrag im passenden Board. Beachte aber bitte, dass hier seit 15.08.2022 kein direkter Support mehr möglich ist. Lese dazu am besten diesen Beitrag.