am 31.08.2022 10:40
Hi there,
I'm leaving the house that I currently live but my partner will stay. I'd like to transfer my Cable Internet contract to her name.
Is that possible? If so, what is the process?
am 31.08.2022 14:26
call the support - or find somebody 2 call 4 u - asking 4: "Vertragsübernahme-Formular"
am 01.09.2022 07:37
Hello jonatasbaldin,
welcome to the community. Nice to have you here. 🙂
A contract transfer to your partner is no problem at all. My colleagues from Twitter and Facebook will be happy to send you a form for this.
Please fill it out together with your partner and send it back.
Important for you. This does not change the contract period.
Best Regards
am 01.09.2022 16:57
hey there, I don't have Twitter nor Facebook, is there another way?
am 02.09.2022 08:20
Hello jonatasbaldin
You are also very welcome to contact us via our contact form. Please enter "email address" as keyword. You will be redirected to the text field.
Best Regards
am 29.10.2024 23:53
Can you please send me the Vertragsübernahme-Formular.
am 30.10.2024 10:54
Hello @Frequency ,
here is the form👉Formular-Vertragsuebernahme.pdf.
Best regards