Sehr langsames Internet in den letzten 4-5 Tagen!

Berlin, 10117

Ethernet Connection - 200 MB DL 12 UL

Google Chrome



Hello again, with another internet problem. Internet is completely unusable for the last 4-5 days. What is going on, and how long will it last? I am unable to work. If this is not fixed by today, there should be some compensation for this month because I am losing money unable to do my freelance work. Thank you for your help.


Hallo nochmal, mit einem anderen Internetproblem. Das Internet ist in den letzten 4-5 Tagen völlig unbrauchbar. Was ist los und wie lange wird es dauern? Ich kann nicht arbeiten Wenn dies bis heute nicht behoben ist, sollte es eine Entschädigung für diesen Monat geben, da ich Geld verliere, das nicht in der Lage ist, meine freiberufliche Arbeit zu verrichten. Danke für deine Hilfe.

33 Antworten 33

Okay, this is important for me.


I see on your website that there are new flatrate packages.


250 mbps download and 25 mbps upload. also 1000 mbps download and 50 mbps upload.


I need to know if I can get at least 6-7 upload with these packages. Can we do a test? If I can get at least some upload, I would like to cancel this current contract, and sign a new 2 year one with one of these.


Hello xChaolin,


the line you use wouldn't change with a higher contractual upload. I will send you a private message.


Kind regards,


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Hello Claudia, I have sent you a private message with some questions on Friday. Letting you know from here just in case.






Hello xChaolin,


You'd better ask the colleagues from mobile communications. They can certainly give you more reliable information.


Best regards, Martin

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