am 05.03.2019 00:13 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 06.03.2019 12:21 von pRo-Marco
Since 2 pm on 04. 03, I couldnt get access to internet.
I had to contact companies and universities for my project. I couldnt..
Vodafon said "now there is a problem.. it will be fixed soon"
However, nothing changed.. how I can work with mobile without internet access?
If I have serious problems for my work ecause of the poor service from Vodafone, does Vodafone bear responsibility?!
Please let me get access to internet soon as you said.
I am looking forward for your reply
EDIT @Jsh81 Changed board.
am 06.03.2019 12:20
Hi Jsh81,
I will prove the connection and find a way to fix it. Please send me your name, address and customer number by PN. Please also let me know here if you have sent the message.
Kind regards
am 06.03.2019 21:53
am 08.03.2019 08:49
Hi Jsh81,
thanks for your message.
Your router's online. Do you have access to the Internet now?
Best Regards, Manu