DSL always disconnected

My DSL was installed two weeks ago, and it has not worked well. It can only get connected within two minutes then it disconnected again. Whenever I restart the box it can get connected within two mins and then disconnected again. I have called the Vodafone technical service, but they said our internet looks good from thier side. By the way, we have tried to optimize our DSL by modify some parameters, but it still does not work, thats so weird. So who can help me? Please give your kindly advice!!! I am very anxious about it!!Smiley (traurig)


Edit: Moved from "Feedback" @Chunhui Please always choose right board!

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi, Marco,

 Thank you for your repply. I did use different devices to get access to the Internet, and the disconection appeared on all of them. But it began to work normally on last Saturday suprisingly!! Eventhough I have done nothing about it, but it work well, phew!


Thanks for the people who have cared about this.

Best regards,


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6 Antworten 6

Hey chunhui,

are the disconnects also appearing if you use just a direct connection via lan cable?
This way we can elimite wlan settings as a possible error.

If my collegues from the technical department did already check the landline and did not find anything, i doubt that i'll come to a different result.

Feel free to send me a private message with your customernumber & mobilenumber.

Therefore please click on my name/avatar -> then "Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden" on the right side.

I'll have a closer look into this.

Best regards


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Hello Chunhui,


as it turned out to be a Vodafone cable contract, please send me a PM with your full address, customer number and birthdate. Reply here again afterwards.


Kind regards


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Dear Claudia


Thank you for your reply.

My full address: xxx

customer number: xxx

birthdate: xxx


Best regards!

Chunhui xxx


Edit: @Chunhui Please don´t publish any personal data... We ask you for them in private messages. THX

Hi Andre
I am so glad to hear from you and I’m very appreciated that you would help me!
My Kunden Nummer is xxx.
The disconnects still appear even I use a cable to connect. I feel despair about it. Please help me have a deep look Andrew.

Thank you very much!
Best regards
And happy new year!
Chunhui xxx


EDIT: @Chunhui Please don´t publish any personal data... We come back to you as soon possible. THX for your patience.

Hi Chunhui,


I can see some disconnects, but not a frequence of 2 minutes. Do you use different devices and do all devices show the same disconnects? If that's so I think the problem is the modem and we will replace it for free. If not, you should prove your own hardware.


Kind regards


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Hi, Marco,

 Thank you for your repply. I did use different devices to get access to the Internet, and the disconection appeared on all of them. But it began to work normally on last Saturday suprisingly!! Eventhough I have done nothing about it, but it work well, phew!


Thanks for the people who have cared about this.

Best regards,
