am 14.05.2020 21:36
I cannot login to GigaTV app on Android with my MyVodafone username (email) and password. It just returns to the login screen. Any suggestions? This is the first time I am trying to login on an app.
am 15.05.2020 10:26
Hi Udin,
is it possible to login on MeinVodafone with the same username and password?
Which Android version does your device have installed?
Best Regards, Manu
am 15.05.2020 10:29
Yes, I can login into MyVodafone with the same username (which is my email) and password.
I have a Pixel 2 with Android 10.
am 20.05.2020 13:46
Hello Udin,
do you see your GigaTV contract when you are logged in?
Best regards
am 20.05.2020 14:47
Yes I do. I also have the GigaTV box which is working fine.
am 25.05.2020 12:39
Hi Udin,
can you please uninstall and reinstall the app? Try to change your username and password, the app may not be able to handle the email address.
Best Regards, Manu