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I have a problem with Internet connection, it's just insane!
I signed a contract with Vodafone this September.
My PC and game console are connected to modem with cable, NOT wifi.
Line looses from 5 to 25 percent of packets. Sometimes it's impossible to make calls with messengers or play online games.
I sent a request to technical support on 14th September, attached info, statistics, etc.
After a MONTH it answered that can't help me because I wrote my question in English. And send me to this forum.
Can someone help me please?
Vodafone Dialog ID: xxxxxxx
Kabel Deutchland Nachricht Referenznummer xxxxxxx
Edit: Dialog/Referenz-ID deleted. Boris
am 28.03.2019 22:13
am 01.04.2019 09:01
Hallo Vasya,
thanks for the screenshots.
Since the Packeloss is already at the 2nd Hop, I would like to exchange you the router. What do you say?
Best Regards, Manu
am 01.04.2019 09:35
Hi Manu,
If it will help, I would be very happy. What should I do to exchange it?
Best regards,
am 02.04.2019 12:00
Hi Vasya,
You don't have to do anything first. I will send you the new router. When it arrives, please exchange the devices and send the old one back to us with the return receipt.
The package will be at your place in about 3-4 working days.
Best Regards, Manu
am 02.04.2019 14:34
Hallo Manu,
Ok, thanks, then waiting for the router, will write how it goes when it arrives.
am 07.06.2019 11:04
Thanks, it helped
am 08.06.2019 19:17
Hello Vasya,
I'm glad to hear that it worked and now everything is working again. May I close here then?
Best regards
am 08.06.2019 22:09
Sure, thanks!