




I am not satisfied with the vodafone kabel router at all, poor wifi signal and no connection



I don't speak german yet very good and I cannot get too much info on the phone support, I tried but not understand everything.

I have problems with the provided vodafone router which has poor wifi signal on any of the channels I tested. I tried radar to avoid any interference, tried the diferent bandwidths but the problem still remains. On top of that I have to reset the router often because half of my devices work at a given time.

When I signed the contract, I was told by the vodafone employee that I should go with this router because is free and good, this is what she said while I insisted on the Fritzbox.

She added that I can switch to that hardware if I want to. 

Can you please let me know how I can do that ? 



Alex Butoi





5 Antworten 5

You can still switch to the FritzBox by opting for the HomeBox option.

Please note that this option costs 4.99 € per month -and- you have to pay a one-time fee for the device exchange.


Usually you should be able to book the option using the self-service portal.



thank you very much for your answer. While I do admit and know about the 5 euro/month I don't understand why I am supposed to pay such an exchange fee since I wanted that Fritzbox in the first place, I said that over the phone when I signed the contract. Provided that the calls are recorded, then I believe Vodafone should have such recorded agreement on which I said, several times, that I want the fritzbox but the person with whom I "signed" the verbal contract talked me into getting the Vodafone box because I can always exchange it letter on, and I am also kind of confident that she even said for will be for free. If she didn't said it specifically, she also didn't mentioned that for such exchange a fee will be applied and she had a lot of chances. 



Alex Butoi

@reneromann  schrieb:

You can still switch to the FritzBox by opting for the HomeBox option.

Please note that this option costs 4.99 € per month -and- you have to pay a one-time fee for the device exchange.


Usually you should be able to book the option using the self-service portal.



I don't undestand why some moderator wants to delete my post instead of solving the problem, I can get a lawyer, you know right? While I cannot request that recording where the operator said that I can have the paid router and return the free one, a lawyer will have access to it 🙂 

I sugest you to search that recording , I can provide you my details, don't just delete the post because I can take other actions also , legal ones .


So as I said, 


While I do admit and know about the 5 euro/month I don't understand what I am suppose to pay such an exchange fee since I wanted that Fritzbox in the first place over the phone when I signed the contract. Provided that the calls are recorded, then I believe Vodafone should have such recorded agreement on which I said several times that I want the fritzbox but the person with whom I "signed" the verbal contract talked me into getting the Vodafone box because I can always exchange it letter on and I also kind of confident that she even said for free. If she didn't said it specifically, she also didn't mentioned that for such exchange a fee will be applied and she had a lot of changes. 



Alex Butoi

This one-time fee is listed in the price list - and has to be paid if you change devices without technical need.


This means if you switch from one device to another due to technical reasons (you're booking a higher speed that the old device is capable), then the exchange is free.


But if you switch from one device to another without technical reasons - like from the Standard router to the Homebox -or- from one version of the Homebox or Standard router to the next version - then you have to pay for the exchange, which means for the two times parcel and the handling (pre-provisioning of the new router for your contract, packaging as well als de-packaging, checking and deleting the old router from your contract).

As already said: The exchange fee is listed in the price list - that's what you agreed upon.


If you were not satisfied with the initial contract, you should've withdrawn within 14 days from receiving the contract information and withdrawal information - after that period has passed, you accepted and agreed upon the contract. And only what is stated in the written contract confirmation is part of the contract - any additional spoken words from the phone call are not part of the contract. And as we here cannot listen to the recordings of the calls (if such has been created - as not all calls are recorded), we can only refer to what is inside the price list.


And I'm pretty sure even a lawyer would tell you that you should've then withdrawn and created a new contract if the confirmed information is not what you wanted instead of taking it.