Contract cancelled, bills coming up

Hi everyone,

I had my contract cancelled in 21th february but the invoice keep coming along with the bills.


43,98 11.05.2020

43,98 14.04.2020

97,62 19.03.2020

43,98 20.02.2020

+13,65 31.03.2020 (has been returned)



I've cancelled my contract cause I moved out and on my new address there's no vodafone's internet coverage.

I'd like to know why the charges are keep coming and if it's possible take the money back since I don't have more access to My customer data....


Thank you 

1 Akzeptierte Lösung

Akzeptierte Lösungen

Hi Pelegrin,


the letter will be sent to your new address in Berlin. A corrected invoice will be created within the next few days and the amount will be balanced.


Best regards


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Lösung in ursprünglichem Beitrag anzeigen

5 Antworten 5

Hi Pelegrin,


the colleagues have discovered that your address is available in the system after all. It was just a wrong zip code in the system.


According to the system, the cable router was still online after your move. Therefore the order at the new address has closed. Had you connected the cable router at the new address?


Best regards


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I moved to this zipcode 10623 in December, I went to a Vodafone shop to transfer and I tried also on my customer page but there isn't availability at the time on my new address (I gave a shot to your gigacube but wasn't enough for me, and at the vodafone shop has been told that they didn't have a date to have internet on the new address) so I signed a new internet contract as my old contract wouldn't be transferred (contract in Weimar).
I was talking to another person here, Ms. Tina that confirmed to me that my cable service was successfully canceled.

But the bills keep coming as you can see were paid in march 97 euros that Vodafone returned only 13 euros and other bills (that I had no access on my customer menu).

I would like to fix this situation, I have no longer interest in this service. And therefore how it was canceled in February I would like to have also a refund about the months that were paid but not properly used as my contract was ended in 21th feb (and this month I'll have to pay another 43 euros, its an absurd lol)


hope you understand the goal of this topic. 4 payments done and one to be done (5 at total) after an ended contract.


Thank you, Lars


Hi Pelegrin,


okay, I get it. I have now terminated the contract at the new address with retroactive effect from 21.02.2020. The fees will be refunded automatically. Please do not forget to send the cable router back to us. You will find the details in the letter of termination, which will be sent to you within the next few days. Do you have any further questions?


Best regards


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will the letter come to my new address or the old one in Weimar?

I think that's all, I appreciate your assistance.


Hi Pelegrin,


the letter will be sent to your new address in Berlin. A corrected invoice will be created within the next few days and the amount will be balanced.


Best regards


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