New contract cancelled without warning



Before departing for our vacation in August (coinciding with our ongoing move to the new address), we spoke with a Vodafone representative in Berlin (Friedrichstrasse) to cancel the existing contract, and sign a new one.

We repeatedly confirmed with the agent that the timing won't be a problem and that they'll make the necessary arrangements with the termination of the old contract and replacing it with the new one. We also have a mobile phone so wanted to make sure the discount would stay in place.

We were presented with the offer that would essentially yield us 9 months for free, and signed the contract (I do have the vortragszusammenfassung ID and Bestellnummer) on 22.08.

After coming back from vacation (10.09) there was no information about the new device being sent and so on, so I went to the store to ask what's the status. To my surprise, I was notified that the new contract got rejected (because the old one was still in place) and by the way, the offer is no longer valid if we want to sign another one (only one being available is 160 euro worse). All of that sounds like a you-problem, as we were NEVER notified that there is any issue with the new contract, we were not notified that it got rejected - and we did sign a binding contract after all.

Agent is not helpful, over the helpline the only thing I achieved was the termination of the existing contract and no information whatsoever about the new contract. Prompt assistance would be appreciated, as we are about to start working again and we can't because there is no internet in the new apartment.

1 Antwort 1

A pre contract summary (your words) is not a binding contract.

You have to discuss that with the representative.

Note: If the free months is/was a new costumer offer - your count as one after three month without having a VF cable contract.

The regular process: report a move.


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I have my doubts that the rejection will change.