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Problem with transfering money to Vodafone

Hi everyone,


I left Germany on the beginning of the year. I had cancelled my contract with Vodafone right before I left, so I had to pay more 3 month (until April) to Vodafone by tranfering money from my bank in Brazil to Vodafone account. It worked for the first 2 times. But when I looked on the Vodafone system a few days ago I saw that the bill from April was marked as unpayed, even though I had made the transaction on 25.04.2019.


What I need to do to fix this? I have a papper that contains the information about the transaction, to whom I need to send this?


If I'm not mistaken, it was a DSL contract.


Best regards,

Matheus Chaves

1 Antwort 1

Hi Identidadem,


if you were using a DSL connection your customer number should start with 0019... If it doesn' you probably were using a cable connection.


If it's DSL, send me a private message. Click on my avatar -> Diesem Benutzer eine private Nachricht senden.


I need your name, customer number and customer password for verification.


In order to find your payment I need the following data:


- Amount

- purpose of use

- bank data where the payment was sent to

- date of payment

- your bank data (incl. name)




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