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Hello ,
I have a Vodafone appointment for new DSL connection today. I have received the below message, when I am still waiting in my home.
, Ihren Vodafone-Anschluss konnten wir heute leider nicht für Sie anschalten. Wählen Sie bitte einen neuen Termin auf Oder rufen Sie uns dazu kostenlos an unter 08001721212. Halten Sie dann bitte Ihre Kundennummer bereit: ***. Vielen Dank. Freundliche Grüße, Ihr Vodafone Team
I already had an appointment 2 weeks before, where the Technician said he couldn't find the connector and left in a hurry. But when I checked with my landlord the connector was there in the room where he checked.
Now with the second appointment, I just receive a message like this. I cannot take anymore leaves.
Kidly let me know, what is the reason for this message and What am I supposed to do.
Thanks and Regarsd,
Edit: Customer number replaced by ***.
am 28.03.2018 18:20
HI Vignesh,
Are you sure you would like to continue with Vodafone, given that you have witness first hand how their service is.
Believe me you would be much better off trying any other vendor than Vodafone. Getting a connection will be a problem and god forbid you want to leave them, it would be problems of another sort.
I was in Germany for 4 years, have left 1.5 years ago, and I am still struggling to get the contract cancelled( for last 2 years).
My suggestion would not be to go ahead with this, as you still have time and try some other vendor.
All the best!
am 30.03.2018 12:16
Hi Vignesh,
i'm sorry for this. 😞
This is an automatic message if the Telekom technician has canceled the appointment. You need a new appointment. 😞
You can do that online via or by phone.
Best regards,
am 03.04.2018 16:18
Thanks for the information !
Could you tell me the address to which I can send the devices back to Vodafone ?
am 04.04.2018 18:34
Hi Vignesh,
to send your router back, you need to use your return form.
You can find the address there, too.
The general address is as follows:
Arvato Distribution GmbH
Warenannahme 36 (Retoure)
Bielefelder Str. 45
33428 Marienfeld
Why do you want to send it back? You have to choose a clear reason for that.
Best regards
am 12.04.2018 07:03
Hello Kira,
Thanks for the information !
COuld you please tell me where I can find the return form ?
reason for returning: I'm disappointed with the service even before the installation itself.
am 12.04.2018 17:24
Hi Vignesh,
I´m sorry to hear that.
You receive a confirmation letter after you have canceled your contract. The return form is attached.
Best regards
am 13.04.2018 12:20
I could not find any attachement.
Could you please send the link ?
am 14.04.2018 14:57
Hi DSL Support,
the contract has not been canceled yet.
If you have sent a cancellation to us you will receive a confirmation and you will find the return form there.
am 16.04.2018 07:15
Thanks ! I understand now.
I have not sent my cancellation letter.
Could you please let me know the address to which the cancellation letter has to be mailed ?