15.03.2022 17:24 - bearbeitet 15.03.2022 17:32
Since moving in a new place our internet connection does not even reach 10% of the supposed 1000 Mbit/s stated in the contract (CableMax 1000). The Vodafone Speed Map states that the 1000 Mbit/s is available at my new address.
During the day there are speeds of max. 50 Mbit/s and in the evening it`s even worse, no matter if I connect wireless or wired (multiple LAN Cables and also I have tried different coaxial cables from wall socket to router) there is no improvement.
This is annoying since I work in Homeoffice and I get a lot of interuptions hence I cannot do my work as I should.
As per speedtests from vodafone (https://speedtest.vodafone.de/) the connection to the router (from vodafone servers) reaches around 500 Mbit/s, but to my end device (laptop / phone / tv) no more than 50 Mbit/s
I have tried the "Help Bot", but I could not get very far as I have had already tried all the solutions provided (restart the router, check the cable, restart the end device, etc.). Also different calls with Vodafone Hotline did not bring anything.
The router is Vodafone Station (Arris TG3442de)
I am stuck and I do not know what else to do.
Gelöst! Gehe zu Lösung.
am 19.03.2022 22:53
am 21.03.2022 16:39
am 29.03.2022 13:48
Hello @Tobias ,
Thank you for the assistance.
Since last time I posted two technicians were here and fixed the cable connection in the cable box downstairs and also checked again the wall socket in the house.
Now the docsis values seems to be a lot better than before.
The router has also received a software update after the second technician was here.
Now the connection is a lot better than before but the speed is still not there as it should and also on wifi it fluctuates a lot.
Via LAN I gen about 300-350 Mbit/s download as it can be seen on the screenshot below and via WLAN I get about 250 Mbit/s. The improvement can be seen in the graph from the screenshot
Which are the next steps here? Whan can I do next?
Maybe the problem lies with the router?
Thank you
29.03.2022 14:14 - bearbeitet 29.03.2022 14:15
Deine Pegel sind nun OK. Der Router wird schon OK sein.
Bei einem guten Pegel ist ungewöhnlich das dein Speed im Download soweit weg ist.
Oft ist die Ursache in einem verkorksten setup des PC's zu suchen.
Hast du einen Switch, nachgelagerten Router im LAN?
Userban wg. wiederholter Missachtung der Forenregeln. Gruß, das Mod-Team
am 29.03.2022 15:22
Hello again,
I do not have any switch or another router after the Vodafone Station. The Station is connected directly to the wall socket via Coaxial cable and the PC is connected directly with the LAN cable that came with the router.
The problem seems to be the driver of the Network adapter of the laptop. I have also tested on another device and there the speed reaches 1000 Mbit/s
The issue is fixed, thank you all for the help.
am 30.03.2022 17:04
You can run the TCP Optimizer tool on your PC and see how much bandwidth arrives afterwards.
Is it okay if I close here then?
am 05.04.2022 11:24
Hi @Wallace ,
Yes the TCP Optimizer tool has worked and now I can also reach the max speed on my laptop.
The problem is therefore solved and this topic can be closed.
Thank you for the help and fast reaction
am 06.04.2022 11:26
Hi AdiR89,
I am glad that the TCP optimizer helped. I'll close here then.
PS: I'll send you another PN in a minute. It would be great if you could take a few minutes to complete the survey.