Very High Ping, since the outage.



Since the starting of February, I am having constant high pings everywhere and a lot of packet loss, I was already assigned a ticket, but there seems to be no progress on it.


  • In welchem Bundesland wohnst Du? Sende bitte auch die Postleitzahl
    • Berlin, 10317
  • Welchen Vertrag hast Du? (z.B. Internet + Telefon 100)
    • Vodafone Red 1000Gbps
  • Welches Modem/ Router nutzt Du? (z.B. Hitron)
    • Vodafone Stations (Vodafone Kabel)
  • Nutzt Du ein Leih-Gerät von uns oder hast Du ein eigenes Gerät?
    • Device from Vodafone
  • Welcher Fehler tritt auf? (Geschwindigkeit zu gering; Packetloss) Schicke dazu auch Screenshots von Speedtests (mit Datum und Uhrzeit) und Tracerts/ Pingplotter-Messungen bei Packetloss oder Ping-Problemen. Stelle beim Pingplotter 2,5 Sekunden beim Intervall ein und nutze betroffene Dienste als Ziel.
    • This is a server in EU-West
    • pingplotter.PNG
  • Wie ist Dein Endgerät mit dem Modem verbunden? (LAN; WLAN; zusätzlicher Router; PowerLAN)
    • LAN
  • Welchen Browser verwendest Du normalerweise? (z.B. Firefox)
    • Chrome
  • Welches Betriebssystem hast Du auf Deinem Rechner? (z.B. Windows)
    • Windows 10
  • Beginn und Zeitraum der Störung (z.B: seit Anfang April; nur am Abend)
    • Beginning of February
  • Lade dazu noch einen Screenshot von den Signalwerten hoch. Diese findest Du in der Benutzeroberfläche Deines Kabelrouters über bzw. über bei der Fritzbox.
    • signal#2.PNGsignal#1.PNG
  • Welche Maßnahmen wurden durch die Störungshotline (erreichbar unter 0800-5266625 für Vodafone Kabel Deutschland bzw. 0221/46619100 für Vodafone West) durchgeführt?
    • N/A
12 Antworten 12

Hello GauthamR,


Welcome to the Community:)


The target 104. 160. 141. 3 does not answer over any network and leaves 100% packet loss. Obviously, it doesn’t want to be ping. Can you please leave a full test of an achievable target here? Complete does not mean the last 6 HoPs.


Greetings Fred

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes und Sternen!

Hello @ERFD 


Thank you for your response, I am not too aware of the pingplotter, but here are couple of screenshots with, but the problem I have is, I have huge ping spikes & packet loss for almost every server, it doesn't matter which game I play, which meeting I attend online, it's all the same spikes and packet loss that is giving me troubles, this has been happening a lot since the last outage. I really need help with this, as its disrupting my work from home quite a bit.  Please help me outScreen Shot 2022-02-21 at 11.29.26 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-02-21 at 11.42.11 AM.png

Also, I just wanted to update that along with the spike and high pings, I am also having constant disconnections, even though the LEDs are stable white, I have to restart my router again and again. 😞 


Hi @GauthamR,


i would like to send you a technician, you got so much timeouts (thats not normal 😞 ). In that case, the service is also free of charge for you. Only if the technician does not meet anyone at the agreed time and cannot gain access, will we charge €99.50 for the service.


Do you agree with the technician's intervention and can you provide access to the house? What is the best number to call to make an appointment?


Regarding COVID-19: Are you in quarantine or are there symptoms in your household that indicate COVID-19?





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Hello @Tobias 


Thank you for your response, I would like to understand the service better, what kind of house access do they require? Is it Kellar access or just apartment access?  Could you please elaborate? 


If its just the apartment access, then it sounds good to me, should I PM you my phone number? 


No, I do not have any covid symptoms.


Looking forward to your response.







Hello Gautham,


we need both access. The technician have a look at the cellar, where is the house system and in your apartment, to check if anything ok.

Can you give it to an appointment?

Is you number xxx09 right? If yes, we need no other number.




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Hello @Jens,


Thank you for your response. Ok understood, yes I suppose I can ask the hausmeister to keep the cellar open during the appointment date / time, when can you give me the appointment? 


Yes, that's the number.





Hello GauthamR,


I have instructed the technician. You will be called to make an appointment.


Greetings Moni

Bewertet hilfreiche Beiträge mit Likes!

Hello @Moni_GK 


Thank you, I received an email, and I booked an appointment via the portal itself, hope that should be enough? 


I also wanted to point out that, along with the existing issue, my internet speed itself has degraded for few days now, here is the screenshot.



This is from and you can see how the incoming data to the router itself is only 365Mbits 😞 


