Slow Internet connection (mainly during the evening)



I got a Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable subscription with a Vodafone Station modem.

Starting a few months ago, the internet connection got extremely slow during the nights (5-10 mb/s)  or even totally unusable as a result of packet loss.

Nowadays, I got the same problem but throwout the day, the internet connection is slow or disconnected all together

I tried the regular restart / plug out and in from the electricity and factory reset to the modem, I also got new cables to replace the old ones. all didn’t help.

It come to the point the the internet is unusable.

(To send this post I had to connect my laptop to my phone… which is also from Vodafone, so that wasn’t easy as well…)

Is there something you can check from your side?

68 Antworten 68

Screenshot 2022-01-15 at 22.44.43.png

and from today:

Screenshot 2022-01-16 at 20.46.50.png

Screenshot 2022-01-16 at 21.26.59.png

some more measurement from the 16th

Packet loss is back as well..

the fun never ends


Hi Dejablue79,


Do the problems you mentioned only occur from a certain time of day? Can you please run some speed tests in the morning?




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is this some kind of a joke?

This problem exist for about 2 months now regardless of the time.

I already pasted test that were taken in other parts of the day, so "thank" you for taking the time to check it.

Screenshot 2022-01-18 at 18.56.21.jpg


And this is the full report.


Hi Dejablue79,


we have too high load in the evening and that's why I ask about the time. On 16.01 when the speed test was at its worst, the line was absolutely clean. According to the system, the bridge mode is active and you still have your own router / firewall connected. How is the connection when you connect a PC directly via LAN cable to our router.




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I'm aware of the problems Internet Over Cables have

and to be honest, the connection speed was never 100% nor 80% or 70% but it was stable.

But something changed around the 3/12/2021 (not from my side) and the connection got interrupted and timed-out.

and for some reason the connection speed is the only thing you guys are responding to.

currently I'm using my phone to join meetings (and maxed out my data) as I'm not able to do it with my internet connection.

I have to admit that I didn't mind (although it is annoying as this is not what I'm paying for) that my internet speed was usually about 500mb

but I could join meetings, monitore services and respond to security incidents as my job requires me to.


Also, absolutely, the measurement I took were with an interface that was excluded from my Firewall.

I have also tried checking the connection without "bridge-mode" but since the connection stability did not improve, I returnd it.


(and, I'm using "office-grade" router so preformance is not the issue)





Hello Dejablue79,


thank you for the information. The restrictions in the evening hours have been identified by the department in the meantime and are currently being investigated and monitored. The exact cause is currently unknown. We have created a ticket for you. As soon as the colleagues have a solution for the problem, you will receive an information via SMS. We will be happy to reimburse you proportionally until they have solved the problem.


Best regards Fred

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