02.07.2022 12:48 - bearbeitet 02.07.2022 13:01
am 02.07.2022 18:53
Hi ziby,
that really doesn't sound good.
Can you please send me the name of the contract holder, the date of birth, the full address and the customer number via PN ?
Leave a feedback here afterwards, then I'll take a closer look.
Best regards, Martin
am 03.07.2022 15:01
Hello Martin,
I've sent you a PM.
am 03.07.2022 15:14
Hi ziby,
I have just checked. The line is perfectly fine.
Have you ever completely reset the Fritzbox to factory settings?
Best regards, Martin
am 03.07.2022 16:52
Just made another factory reset, now it works even worse (had to answer this post via hotspot) 🤦♂️
am 03.07.2022 17:55
Hi ziby,
then I will gladly commission a technician here to take a look at it on site.
Please send me a PN with a current mobile phone number, the info whether you can access the house system and whether there are signs of Covid-19.
After that please leave a short info here, then I will arrange everything else.
Best regards, Martin
am 06.07.2022 10:25
Hello again,
I've sent you details in PM.
am 07.07.2022 11:40
Hello ziby,
you wrote in your PM that you won't be home for a few days. Tasks for the technician can't remain open so long. Please get in touch with us again when you are back.
Kind regards,
am 19.07.2022 09:20
Hello @Claudia ,
I'm available now until the 30/07, please proceed with the technician appointment.
am 20.07.2022 11:08
Hello Stefano,
welcome back :). I gave the task to the technician so you should get a call for the appointment in the next few days.
Kind regards,