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No upload speed, Berlin Ebelingstrasse 10249
  • In which state do you live? 
    Berlin 10249 - Ebelingstrasse

  • What contract do you have? 
    Vodafone CableMax 1000

  • Which modem/ router are you using
    Fritzbox 6660


  • Do you use a rental device from us or do you have your own device ?
    Vodafone device

  • Which error occurs?
    There simply is no upload bandwidth (most of time less than 0.5 mb, with a 50mb contract) and ping is very unstable (20% loss), which makes it impossible to work from home (I have to constantly switch to LTE hotspot on my phone, costing me a fortune).
    Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 12.15.22 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-07-02 at 12.28.04 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-07-02 at 12.28.13 PM.png

  • How is your device connected to the modem ? 
    Laptop via LAN, phones via WiFi

    Start and period of the disruption 
    Issues started in April this year, before I did not have any issues.
    After the useless calls with the customer support to try to solve the issue, I've even upgraded my Vodafone contract to CableMax 1000 to try to mitigate the issue, which turned out to be a huge disappointment.

  • Also upload a screenshot of the signal values . You can find this in the user interface of your cable router via or via on the Fritzbox.
    Screen Shot 2022-07-02 at 12.39.46 PM.pngScreen Shot 2022-07-02 at 12.40.15 PM.png
  • What did the test with the network assistant and the chat bot TOBi reveal ?
    No obvious problems, configuration is correct.

  • What measures were taken by the fault hotline (available on 0800-5266625 for Vodafone Kabel Deutschland or 0221/46619100 for Vodafone West)?
    They pretended there is no problem, for several weeks, but at the end I managed to convince them to send a technician who reported that there is a problem "on the street, not in the house". After that, they sent a diferent technician on the street and the connection worked well for 1 week, but now I'm back to the beginning.

    I'm looking for a serious support and help from Vodafone, and I expect this problem to be solved in the next week and also to be refunded for this criminal Quality of Service (in the meantime,  i'm checking the DSL offers from Telekom for which it seems I'll get a good deal in case I decide to switch).

9 Antworten 9

Hi ziby,


that really doesn't sound good.


Can you please send me the name of the contract holder, the date of birth, the full address and the customer number via PN ?


Leave a feedback here afterwards, then I'll take a closer look.


Best regards, Martin

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Hello Martin,


I've sent you a PM.





Hi ziby,


I have just checked. The line is perfectly fine.


Have you ever completely reset the Fritzbox to factory settings?


Best regards, Martin

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Just made another factory reset, now it works even worse (had to answer this post via hotspot) 🤦‍♂️


Screen Shot 2022-07-03 at 4.48.35 PM.png


Hi ziby,


then I will gladly commission a technician here to take a look at it on site.


Please send me a PN   with a current mobile phone number, the info whether you can access the house system and whether there are signs of Covid-19.


After that please leave a short info here, then I will arrange everything else.


Best regards, Martin

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Hello again,


I've sent you details in PM.




Hello ziby,


you wrote in your PM that you won't be home for a few days. Tasks for the technician can't remain open so long. Please get in touch with us again when you are back.


Kind regards,


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Hello @Claudia ,


I'm available now until the 30/07, please proceed with the technician appointment.





Hello Stefano,


welcome back :). I gave the task to the technician so you should get a call for the appointment in the next few days.


Kind regards,


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