am 02.09.2022 07:21
I have a cable contract Internet 50, there is no internet since 08/31. As I work from home this is very annoying.
I tried everything - unplugging, restarting, checked cables etc - as well as the NetzAssist, nothing works. Technicolor modem 7200, everything works perfect except it shows offline since two days (no led light visible).
Called the Kundenservice, the robot was not able to help either.
I had this problem before but usually unplugging / restarting would solve it, or it would come back after a few minutes or hours by itself. This time, nothing works.
Can someone please help? Location is 61462 Königstein.
am 02.09.2022 13:31
am 02.09.2022 17:20
Hi Marco,
Thanks, I did so via Facebook, the messenger there then told me via auto-reply to use the Netz Assistent... Seems that we are going around in circles. Finally I managed to get a call back who thinks that my Router is too old and promised to send a replacement - we will see when that happens.
I did manage to log into my Router which says on the CM page Network: Access Denied.
Any idea what may be causing this? All cables etc. are in order on my end.
am 03.09.2022 09:40
Hi PCZ1,
what modem do you use?
Kind regards
am 03.09.2022 13:53
Hello Marco,
it's an older one, Technolor TC7200.
In the meanwhile I received a phone call from Vodafone saying they will send me a new router which should be here Monday latest. Today, I received a letter stating it will be here between 12 - 23 September. The problem is this time will not work for me as I will be travelling.
There's apparently a personal Code I need to enter at, which should allow me to change the delivery details - only it is not working at all, the system tells me the personal code should be alphanumeric 10 to 12 numbers, and the one I got is numeric only, 16 numbers.
I don't know what to say or do anymore 😞
am 05.09.2022 12:12
Unfortunately, I can't look at your customer record here via the forum.
Please contact me again via Twitter by direct message. We will then check the tracking number.
Since the network assistant can't help you with this, you will then also come to a member of staff.
Greetings Jana