am 14.01.2025 15:06
Hi there,
Back in November I requested a move to my new apartment on this Friday, 17 January. I was on the phone to the umzug service, and they offered an upgrade as Glassfaser was available in the new building, but not this one. I agreed, and the advisor told me there would be a technician coming on 17th January, and that a new Fritzbox would be sent to my current apartment because the old box wouldn't work with Glassfaser.
It is the 14th January and since the last emails in November about confirming the start of the new contract, I have received nothing. The new Fritzbox isn't here either. I now worry I will not have internet when I move in. MeinVodafone doesn't seem to say anything about my new Glassfaser contract, unless I'm looking in the wrong place.
I have been trying to contact the WhatsApp support but waiting since several hours and no reply, not sure if someone here is able to help?
am 14.01.2025 18:17
You are in a customer-to-customer only forum, neither support by or contact to VF is available here. After you got forwarded in WhatsApp, the response will take time, it is no live chat and requests are worked on in chronological order. In times with high demand respond times of 2-3 days have been reported.