am 13.07.2022 13:43
I have changed my apartment 12 days ago. I have a Vodafone station (ongoing contract) Kabel. It was informed me by Vodafone that I just have to connect my adaptor and use the internet in the new apartment but I found that there is no internet in the Cable. I tried to talk with the Vodafone hotline at least 30 times and every time they reject the calls because of the language barrier.
I have talked with the landlord and he told me that though Vodafone cable is there, it was never used by the previous tenants. Thus, according to him, a Vodafone technician should come and fix the connection. The connection box for all the apartments is in the basement.
Please solve the issue as I am living without internet for the last 12 days!
am 28.07.2022 13:27
Hallo, I have not received any appointment with a technician yet. Can you please look into the matter seriously @Nancy
am 01.08.2022 10:52
Hello Mahata,
please excuse my late feedback. I have created a new order. You will also receive a notification by SMS. The technician will contact you on your mobile number to arrange an appointment.
Best regards