New Contract - Vodafone CableMax 1000 - no intenet

Hi - I have recently purcashed a cablemax 100 for my new apartment. 


Yesterday when i went to set it up, it didn't work and i am unable to connect to the internet. I have connected the FritzBox 6660 to every avaiblae outlet in the house and still doesn't work. 


can you please help or let me know what i need to do. 




@Julian_1210: Post moved to the appropriate board 

1 Antwort 1

Hello Julian,


welcome to our community.


You will certainly need a technician to install it if it doesn't work on any aerial socket.


Please send your details in a private message. (Name, customer number, address, date of birth and mobile phone number).


Then report back here briefly when you have sent the message.


Greetings Jana

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