My Router Keeps restarting iteself

Here is in Munich Germany October 7th, 2022.


I just got the cable internect from Vodafone on October 4th 2022. 

On the first day, the first router did not work and the technician gave me a second one. It worked only for 1 day. From the seconday, the router restarted itself once it got linked. Then on the third day the technician came again to change the router. Now the router can work aournd 30 mins and then restart.  What a funny thing is that the technician tole me he was checking something and would came back in 30 minutes, but he just left afterwards. I saw him driving away. Really ***. I have his number, but he did not answer my call after driving away.


I am wondering how this can happen in a company like Vodafone. 

I want to ask if I have a chance to cancel this contract and is there a way to get rid of this situation. 


I for sure now don't belive they can fix my problem.xxxxxxxxxxxx


Edit: Insult removed. Please watch your tone.

1 Antwort 1

Hello Stephan_SONG,


sorry that the connection does not work as it should. The line must be checked. For this we need the customer data. Please contact us via Facebook or Twitter. There we can help you.


Greetings Moni

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