Keep getting bill after cancellation of contract

Hi there,


Kundennummer: xxxxxxxxxx

I cancelled my contract with vodafone due to continuous disruption and disconnection of vodafone kabel internet in May 2022. I faxed the letter at the vodafone shop in Garmisch and also sent it twice by postal mail. I did not get any confirmation but vodafone keep sending me bill every month. Please stop sending bills. I have cancelled the contract already. I can not reply the billing email because these are no-reply communications.





Edit: Customer number removed and post moved to the correct board




18 Antworten 18

Hi Stephan,


If you could not find my letter and fax of contract cancellation despite providing complete evidence, then head of the concerned department should have been fired. At least i would do this if i would be the CEO of vodafone-de.


Anyways, after confirmation of cancellation I have received a bill (933500582-0002) for €365.94. Can somebody tell me why did i get this? I do not know how many times i have to repeat the story, i am really getting sick of it. Vodafone did not provide even the lowest level of promised service in March, April and May. After continuous disruption and unavailability of the network, I finally cancelled the contract by sending postal letter and fax twice. Also informed here at the customer forum. Vodafone finally acknowledged cancellation in September. Now instead of apologising and compensating me for their worst possible service, vodafone is asking me to pay money.  Let me clear it once for all, if somebody has to pay it would be vodafone for 1) Continous disruption and unavailability of service, 2) loss of work of myself and my family, 3) all the metal torture, stress, and depression myself and my family had gone through during period of disruption, 4) the time I have spent on telephone, computer, and writing and responding messages on this forum.  If would claim this money, trust me it would not be in 4 figures.


Please ask your billing team, not to send billing email to me in future.




The Support via Forum endet August 15th

You should use another contact methods


To which date was the cancellation confirmed? 

I sent concellation request letter and fax May 2022. After repeated emails and messages on this forum, vodafone finally confirmed  cancellation last week. Durng this period form May to September nobody from vodafone called me or set me a letter.



" vodafone finally confirmed  cancellation last week."

for which date was the cancellation confirmed

The letter i received says 20th september. But this is nothing more than a piece of rubbish. Because it done not matter when vodafone cancels it.  The thing that matters is when I, the customer cancels the contact after continuous unavailability of the service.



Ah i see.

Thats where the bills coming from.


" But this is nothing more than a piece of rubbish. Because it done not matter when vodafone cancels it.  The thing that matters is when I, the customer cancels the contact after continuous unavailability of the service."

Have you followed the necessary steps to do so? 


Not sure, but at the top of the letter (in small font) says 'vodafone kundenservice' 9916 Erfurt

Anyway, on 29th Sept I got another email, with the subject 'Eine neue onlinerechnung liegt vor', however, i do not have access to my online account, Could yo please send document/new bill to me by email. It is a noreply email I cannot request from the sender.



On 29th Sept I got an email, with the subject 'Eine neue onlinerechnung liegt vor', however,  there is nothing in my online account. Actually for many years nobody in vodafone was able to fix my account so that i could you use it. A few day ago I requested to send this bill to my emaiil but bobody responded. Please respond. This forum is the only inlet to vodafone black-box, Otherwise whatever email vodafone' *(vodafone call them customers) recieve are tagged with no-reply.


Today i recieve a  ' noreply' email from vodafone logistics asking me to return the router. I have already despatched the router on 1st October. Can not understand what else they want from me.

This company is literally pathatic.


One Thread is enough.