am 31.05.2022 15:13
Hello. My internet stopped working today. I barely managed to reach tech support and they refused to help saying "English is on a special phone number". I called that number but it doesn't exist. Can I get some help anywhere or should I just get another provider?
am 31.05.2022 15:54
Your contract states that sole contractual and thus sole support language is German.
So you'll need to get you a translator on your own expenses if you are not able to communicate in German...
am 31.05.2022 16:09
And you think that's ok? Where is the customer or service in such "customer service"? The salesman was ok and nice to speak English but when I have problem I should do what exactly? I need internet to work, should I file some sort of complaint that I cannot work because they don't want to communicate? Is that the only way to get anything done, to angrily shout?
am 31.05.2022 16:16
@MikaZimina schrieb:
And you think that's ok?
You signed for a contract that states that sole contractual language is German - so it's on your side to get the necessary translator if you need one.
Same would apply if you'd go to France, Italy, Russia, South Korea or Japan - you won't get English support over there.
am 01.06.2022 06:46
Acutally you do get English support with certain providers.
am 02.06.2022 08:54
Hi MikaZimina,
is your internet still not working?
If you want to, I can have a look at the connection. Please send me your name, address, date of birth and customer number in a private message.
Sign in here again, when the message ist sent.
Best Regards, Manu