am 09.09.2021 21:43 - zuletzt bearbeitet am 09.09.2021 22:01 von Gelöschter User
Hello. I will write in English since my German are not perfect.
I have a Red Internet & Phone 1000 Cable contract with UnityMedia. I ordered the upgrade router Fritzbox 6660 and have it installed since June 17th. For the last 1 month (since the start of August), I am having issues with connection. I have random connections outages (I can verify that mostly with online games and video calls with Microsoft Teams - Facebook etc.). The connection freezes for about 2-3 seconds.
This is really annoying considering that I am paying extra for a supposedly better router. I only upgraded to this router to have better speed (which I didn't get). My speed is about 600-800mbps out of 1000. The problems occur both with ethernet (1Gbps) and WiFi connection.
Attached you can find my connection info in case that helps. Please note that with the Vodafone Station router that I had before, I had no issues at all. What can I do about it? Is there any settings that I can optimize?
Edit: @AgapiosPanos Beitrag nach Störungsmeldungen Kabel verschoben. Gruss Methusalem1
am 14.09.2021 11:41
Hello AgapiosPanos,
can you please give us some more information about your connection and configuration? Here you will find a few points that we need from you: Link
Thank you very much and greetings,